
Top 10 Foods May Harm Your Kidneys

Kidneys play a very important role in keeping our health conditions. If kidneys are damaged and cannot be controlled well, it may develop into Kidney Failure finally. Here are the top 10 foods which may harm the kidneys for your information.
Long-term intake of too much salt can damage the kidneys along with the heart and aorta. Salt intake may also raise blood pressure, which can cause damage to the kidney’s nephrons, which filter wastes. Many processed foods, however, add a great deal of salt in order to enhance flavors. The most commonly used form of salt is processed table salt.
Genetically modified foods
A 2009 mammal study conducted on three types of genetically modified Monsanto corn showed negative health effects on the kidney and liver functions of rats. The researchers concluded that the three varieties tested created a state of hepatorenal (liver and kidney) toxicity.
Uric acid is one of the common causes of kidney stone and is a byproduct of eating foods that are high in purines such as meat, seafood, and fish. These foods may also trigger the other common type of kidney stones, calcium oxalate stones, because they increase the amount of calcium excreted in urine.
Dairy products
The problem with dairy products is similar to that of other animal proteins. In fact, the China Study showed that consuming dairy products increased the excretion of calcium in the urine, which has been associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones.
Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages such as soda (with or without artificial sweetener) and energy drinks are associated with the formation of kidney stones (Learn more foods for kidneys).
Caffeine in coffee, tea, soda, and foods can also place a strain on your kidneys. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can stimulate blood flow, increasing blood pressure and stress on the kidneys.
This fruit also has a high amount of potassium. For unhealthy kidneys, they are on the "avoid list."
If your kidneys are healthy, enjoy. However, if you've been diagnosed with kidney disease, you need to steer clear.
Animal Organ
If your kidneys are healthy, enjoy. However, if you've been diagnosed with kidney disease, you need to steer clear.

You can learn more and get the top 10 beneficial foods for kidneys from kidneyask@hotmail.com



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