
Common Treatment for Kidney Stones

For many patients with kidney stones, if the kidney stones are very small, they don’t have any discomfort feelings. But if the kidney stones are very big, sometimes the pain is very severe, so many patients can’t bear this kinds of pain, so they want to adopt surgery to remove the kidney stones.Good news is that some herbs help dissovle and remove the Kidney Stones naturally. If you have interest in the herbs list, please email to kidneyask@hotmail.com or you can consult our free online service directly.
Learn More: Can Complex Kidney Cyst Become Cancer
A study published in 2006 showed that patients who undergo ESWL(Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) are more likely to develop hypertension and Diabetes than patients who have not. Some stones are very hard and are not affected by the shock waves. If ESWL is not successful or if the doctor does not suggest it, other procedures can be performed to take the stones out.
The physician can go through the urethra and bladder, and into the ureter using a scope. He or she can then find the stone and take it out. This is known as ureteroscopic stone removal and is usually an outpatient procedure, that is the patient goes home the same day after the procedure.
Sometimes the stone is too big to remove and is therefore broken into smaller pieces, using either a mechanical instrument or a small laser introduced through the urethra into the bladder then into the ureter.
If ureteroscopic stone removal is not possible, the kidney itself can be opened up surgically through the flank to take the stones out. This is an inpatient operation, which means the patient may have to stay in the hospital after the procedure.
Kidney Stones can be very painful. Fortunately, they are treatable and preventable. Treatment options include medication, shock wave therapy, endoscopy, and surgery.

Some simple changes in diet may decrease a patient’s chance of developing kidney stones.



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