
Horseshoe Kidney: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis

What is Horseshoe Kidney?
Horseshoe Kidney is a "U" shape kidney. The kidney of fetus rise from the pelvic area and fuse together at the lower end. Horseshoe Kidney occurs at the time of fetal development. About 1/500 babies may have the disease. Seeing from the whole, more males have the disease.Any help, please consult our free online service or email to kidneyask@hotmail.com
What are the causes of Horseshoe Kidney?
1. Horseshoe Kidney is formed during organogenesis, when the inferior poles of these early kidneys touch, fusing in the lower midline.
2. Horseshoe Kidney is caused by the abnormal migration of posterior nephrogenic cells, which then coalesce to form the isthmus.
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What are the Symptoms of Horseshoe Kidney?
According to our researches, about 30% patients have no symptoms.
Urinary Tract Infection is a common symptom of Horseshoe Kidney. In severe case, the infection can spread to kidneys to cause kidney damage. When UTI occurs, the patients can experience high fever and chill.
2. Kidney Stone.
Horseshoe Kidney may lead to kidney stone which may cause urinary obstruction and hematuria,fever, chills, cloudy urine and nausea.
3. Cancerous Tumors.
Patients with Horseshoe Kidneys more easily to have cancerous tumors than normal people.
4. Hydronephrosis.
Hydronephrosis occurs as a result of urinary obstruction.
What are the Diagnosis of Horseshoe Kidney?
1. Ultrasound Test.
If you are suspected to have Horseshoe Kidney, a renal ultrasound is usually ordered to view organs.
Children sufferers have a similar clinical symptoms with adults. And they are mainly presented with Nephrotic Syndrome. The morbidity rate for high blood pressure and renal insufficiency in children is lower than in adults. Most of FSGS(40-60%) progress with presentations of chronic feature and it may progress to kidney failure at last. Some minority patients(10-15%) progress quickly so patients could show renal failure at an early time.
2. Blood Test.

3. Urine Test.



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