
What is Related to the Formation of Cysts in PKD

PKD, polycystic kidney disease, is a genetic kidney disease. There are multiple fluid-filled cysts on the bilateral kidneys. It will develop into kidney failure at last. What is related to the formation of cysts in PKD?
There are at least three factors related to cyst formation in the kidney but exactly what triggers the process is unclear. These three factors include:
· Increased production of cells lining the cyst wall. These cells continue to reproduce throughout life and enable the cyst to enlarge.
· Increased production of fluid by the cells forming the cyst.
· Abnormal basement membrane structure and function. The basement membrane is a thin layer of tissue upon which the cysts rest. In PKD the makeup of the basement membrane is abnormal, the tissue is also thicker than usual, and attachment to the cyst wall is increased.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is closely associated with PKD due to the increased burden placed on the blood vessels from inadequately filtered blood.

If you want more information about PKD, you can consult “How to Prevent PKD Cysts from Enlarging and Increasing”or you can send an email to kidneyask@hotmail.com, I will give you more explanation the minute I receive it.



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