
How to Increase GFR with Diet

As we all know that the Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) is an indicator of kidney function. Lowered GFR indicates decreased kidney function. How to increase GFR is a common concern of patients with kidney disease. Diet is recognized as a natural treatment for kidney disease. So how to increase GFR with diet?
Manage the water intake.
Increase the amount of water you consume unless you are on dialysis. Trade other drinks, such as soda, for water. Also refrain from drinking more than one small alcoholic beverage a day if you are a woman and two small alcoholic beverages daily if you are a man. Determine your best daily intake for fluid with your doctor. Limit your fluid intake instead of increasing it if you are on dialysis based on your doctor’s recommendation.
Limit the sodium intake.
Limit the amount of sodium you consume. When your kidney health is poor, extra sodium and fluid will build up in your body. Substitute spices and herbs for table salt. Swap salty snacks like pretzels and potato chips for unsalted popcorn. Choose fresh meats instead of cured meats. Choose prepackaged foods that are low in sodium. Check food labels on processed, canned and frozen foods. This strategy is important whether or not you are on dialysis. Sodium also raises risk for high blood pressure which can lead to kidney disease.
Reduce fatty and high-calorie food.
Reduce the amount of fatty and high-calorie food you consume. For example, choose lean meat instead of fatty cuts. Cut back on the amount of oil, margarine, butter, shortening and salad dressings you use. Pick low-fat dairy products. High-caloric, fatty foods raise your risk for high blood pressure and obesity, which in turn are risk factors for worsening your kidney disease. Choose mono- and polyunsaturated fats most often.

Do not neglect the role of diet in increasing GFR. The above is just the general suggestions. You are welcomed to send an email to kidneyask@hotmail.com for more information and you can consult “how to increase GFR with stage 3 chronic kidney disease naturally”.



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