
Dehydration with Kidney Failure

Some patients are suffering dehydration with kidney failure. The kidney function is severely declined in kidney failure. So many symptoms will occur. Dehydration is one of the common one.
The symptoms of dehydration with kidney failure.
The body's initial responses to dehydration are thirst to increase water intake, and decreased urine output to try to conserve water loss. The urine will become concentrated and more yellow in color.
As the level of water loss increases, more symptoms can become apparent. The following are further signs and symptoms of dehydration.
· Dry mouth
· Muscle cramps
· The eyes stop making tears
· Sweating may stop
· Nausea and vomiting
· Lightheadedness (especially when standing)
· Heart palpitations
· Weakness
· The eyes stop making tears
· Decreased urine output
With severe dehydration, confusion and weakness will occur as the brain and other body organs receive less blood. Finally, coma, organ failure, and death eventually will occur if the dehydration remains untreated.
You must take immediate treatment if you are attacked by dehydration. Micro-Chinese Medicine is recommended. It can improve kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney cells. For the detailed information about this therapy, you can send an email to kidneyask@hotmail.com for a reply. You can also consul "How to Deal with Stage 5 Kidney Failure and Dehydration"for further information.



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