What is renal cyst? Just as its name implies, it is general terms of cystic
lesions in kidney. The common renal cysts include simple renal cysts, Parapelvic
cyst and polycystic kidney. With the popularization of physical examination and
B ultrasonic and CT, the testing rate has been increased greatly and renal cyst
has become a common disease. Some renal tumor disease will occur structure which
is similar to cystic structure caused by necrosis and cavity inside cysts.
The cause of kidney cysts is not fully understood. Most patients are adult
and a few children will suffer from this disease. The disease occurs in males
more than in females, morbidity will go up with the age. About half of people
who are more than 50 years old will experience one or more simple renal cysts.
Among the people aged 70, morbidity will up to 90%. For simple renal cyst, the
cyst wall is thin and transparent and with faint yellow fluid inside. The cyst
wall will incrassate if you had infection before, and fibrosis will also happen,
even calcification.
The smaller simply renal cysts grow slowly and do less harm to kidney
function. Canceration probability is also small, and it only need to observe
regularly. For simply renal cyst which diameter is more than 4cm , cysts enlarge
quickly and cysts questionable to canceration, you should think about
Symptoms for renal cyst
1 Waist and stomach discomfort or pain. The pain is characterized by dull
pain and the pain will cover legs and back.
2 Blood urine, it manifested as microscopic hematuria and gross hematuria
3 Abdominal mass, it is the main cause of the illness. About 60%-80% of them
can touch intumescent kidney. The larger of the kidney, the worse of the kidney
4 Proteinuria, the amount is small. Within 24 hours, the quantity is no more
than 2g, so there is no reason to happen renal disease syndrome.
5 High blood pressure. Cyst oppresses kidney. Renal ischemia will happen and
renin increases, thus high blood pressure happens.